yesterday is Hari Raya. The first day of Hari Raya.
I didnt go visit any malay house...hehe. Cos i dont have malay friend. I just stay at home and do the same things everyday that i does.
suddenly someone call me. it my friend. He ask me to go permai beach. last minute ask me to go permai beach.
So on the way to permai beach, the road were full of cars. All are malay's cars. the roads is jam...
Then my friend go to petrol station to fill the tayar.
we all stunt a while cos the petrol station full of malay and all my friends and i were chinese there....haha.
show u some pictures>>
It taken in petrol station...
what they two doing to the rock??
JEff and AH SENG gay together?? haha....
What JEFF want to do with AH SENG small brother..?? haha....
we buried Ah guan legs as high as we can...
hahaha...imyingzi is gal or boy??
aiya..zhiwei u kiasu..ppl do wat u oso do wat..ngaiti..copy cat..lalalala~
bt....puahahhaa....ur pic sims lik jz 'escape' from the 'jail'...and finally safely arrived the shore..kakaka~
hmm..quite good oso for u to go and relax..thn come back sch to study..haha..long time din c u study liao..its good to c u become so serious in study again..haha=D
gambateh..keep it up^^
哎哟~ 难道我的文笔像男的?
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